Sunday, June 20, 2010

working at church

well, it's Sunday evening and I'm back to finish up the web stuff for the week

Saturday, March 13, 2010

In My Business

How does one find a way to help people when they don't realize they might need help? I've found that because of today's mindset that they don't understand the American Legal system. There is this phrase that I often hear in my business, it goes like this, "You don't have any rights unless you know what your rights are."

So, the question is "How do I know what my rights are?" How do the wealthy know what their rights are? Most of the time they can afford a lawyer. Here is another phrase I hear in my business, (the wealthy) "See that lawyer? don't do anything without talking to him." (the Average Joe) " See that lawyer? what ever you do, don't talk to that lawyer...very expensive." Do you find this statement true? So if you do, in a way you agree that the legal system is broke.

I bet right know you're thinking, "I don't need a lawyer!" Here comes into play that American Mind Set of the Average Joe. Have you have ever been taken advantage of? Thought, "Well it was only that much, I guess I can let it go. The real question is, "Why do we think that way?" It seems that it comes down to an economic question , why spend two hundred bucks an hour to solve a one hundred buck problem, seems ludicrous. Do you agree with this? So, what do we do?

"What do we do?" That's the thirty five dollar question. I will let you ponder on this and answer that question in my next post.

Know and exercise your Rights!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Moving Forward

Cha Cha Changes
we are moving even further into the 20th Century.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Thoughts

It has been some time since I have last posted. Lotsa stuff has happened since then. Mom is doing better, the heat went away (like it should), I have started my own business and life goes on.