Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry to be so slow to blog

A lot of things have happened since I last blogged. Christmas, New Years, birthdays. It will not be easy to catch up on all those things but, I can give you the highlights.

My family was invited to go over to my sisters house Christmas day, but I found out Christmas Eve that my dog was not invited. It was a deal breaker for me, so we spent Christmas day with each other and went and saw, the movie about the dog that opened that day.

New Years was uneventful. and in February I turned 48. I was really bummed my mom didn't call me, matter of fact she never did call and wish me a happy birthday or even a crappy birthday. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more than that.

Alex is been in a spring play at Warner Pacific, called the "Curious Savage" what a cute play. Alex plays on of the crazies in the nut house. Here are a couple of pics and a video from the play, they are from my phone camera so the quality is poor.