Thursday, July 30, 2009

The World is on FIRE!

Wow! what a scortcher of a night, last night. The upstair of our house I don't think it ever got below 92 degrees. My wife slept downstairs and I was hiding under a wet towel and fan. I hope that was the last of the hot nights, according to the weathermen it will be. We will see. My poor puppy (ok shes not a puppy) was hot I just kept taken her outside and hosed her down, along with ice cubes. She loves to crunch ice. :-)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mom's Condition

Well, after a 10+ day stay at the hospital, mom is doing better, actually she has been out for a while and is doing much better. But her stay at the hospital the Dr.'s were able to solve most of her health issues, but the end results were her kidneys have quit working. She has had chronic kideny issues all of her life so it wasn't too unexpected. The doctors are giving her great care once the were able to diagnose the issue. She seems to be her old self again so thats hopeful.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


She is sick and in the hospital

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brother Found

Well, i've made contact with my brother Scott. Last time I had contact with him was 31 years ago. But I haven't actually had a voice to voice conversation. Just some passing notes through Facebook. only time will tell

what is up?

I've all but givin up on this blog, will this post?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry to be so slow to blog

A lot of things have happened since I last blogged. Christmas, New Years, birthdays. It will not be easy to catch up on all those things but, I can give you the highlights.

My family was invited to go over to my sisters house Christmas day, but I found out Christmas Eve that my dog was not invited. It was a deal breaker for me, so we spent Christmas day with each other and went and saw, the movie about the dog that opened that day.

New Years was uneventful. and in February I turned 48. I was really bummed my mom didn't call me, matter of fact she never did call and wish me a happy birthday or even a crappy birthday. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more than that.

Alex is been in a spring play at Warner Pacific, called the "Curious Savage" what a cute play. Alex plays on of the crazies in the nut house. Here are a couple of pics and a video from the play, they are from my phone camera so the quality is poor.