Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Time to Fly
So, about 7:20 we were on the runway wheels up. We were to arrive sometime around 8:00am. 8:20 it was wheels down (I think they broke the speed limit to make time.)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Niece and Nephew

Saturday, December 13, 2008
In the Air
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Time to Get Busy
Our Church got a new mixing board and speakers set, My daughter is back to school and can't wait for winter break. My Mom is doing OK, but I worry about her health. My oldest sister is currently staying with my youngest sister. My nephew Jason is in boot camp learning to be a paratrooper, My oldest sister's daughter is living in my brothers basement (turned into a nice apartment for her). I'm going to go see one of my other sisters along with her children, Malea and Weldon in in California soon for a few days . I change positions with my company instead of debugging online game scripts now I provide desktop computer support along with 5 weeks of classes (oh snap!).
I've got details so when I have more time I will fill in the blanks. I hope all who reads this will have a very happy Christmas and a thrilling new year.
for now,
The IT Geek
Monday, December 8, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Aloha Dog Park
Ruth Turns....I'm not telling :-)
Fishing on the Clackamas River
This was posted from my phone! I finally got it working.
Well, the salmon on the Lower Clackamas is probably done, this particular morning there was at least a hundred guys trying to catch fish, I saw only 3 big salmon taken around 7:30 am and a few jacks here and there.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Little Bit More
My mom didn't have much money, but she cared and loved for me so I never really knew we were poor. I remember that we lived in public assisted housing or the projects as some would call it. I was about 7 years old, and I remember going to kindergarten there. My best friends name was Johnny Rodriguez I liked him so much I got to name my little brother after him, John but of course we called him Johnny for ever. These days my sisters and I will call him Johnny just to irritate him. He was born (1966) while we lived there. My grandfather, Joseph Winifred Bates (born 1915 somewhere in Oklahoma), he came and stayed with my sister Laura and I while our mom went to the hospital to give birth to Johnny he hates being called that now, but we don't care it’s really our term of endearment for him. Our project housing was heated by gas because, I remember looking into the end of the heater and seeing the rows of flames. This fascinated me because when you looked in there you would see long rows of flames. Though were really only about 3 feet long. I think that was my first experience with an optical illusion.
One of my mischievous behaviors was to replicate the needle on the record player with a straight pin. I must of wrecked my moms record of Luis Armstrong, I loved to listen to him. I believe to this day, that is one of the reasons why I like jazz music. Another memory I remember was waking up, going downstairs of our house and seeing what I thought was who knows what. My grandmother I think cleaned it up. After years of recalling that memory I (my best guess) figured what it was, shrimp cocktail or something to that effect. I guess my mom had partied it up the night before (explains why Grandma was there that morning) and puked it up.
There was a store close by and I remember getting lime candy out of the candy machine. they were alot like skittles. I loved that stuff and still do but because of being diabetic I try not to eat candy too much any more. I just remembered how I would get money to buy candy. I would go to the housing grounds keepers building and check out a push lawnmower. I would go around and ask my neighbors if they wanted their grass mowed. I would charge 10 cents. I chuckle when I think about it, a 7 year old out hustling for cash to feed his sugar addiction. I did get one job, I can't remember if I did much more than the one. I was worn out by the time I was done with one yard. However, I do remember getting a shiny dime to hold in my hand.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Working on the Computer
A Little Bit About Me
I was born February 16th 1961 at
My family moved to
While at
During my senior year of high school I also emancipated myself; I wasn’t getting along very well with my mother (but who really does?). I worked at Radio Shack as a salesman and living with my ex-girlfriend’s mom. I soon found my own place and then landed the job at KATU Television (more to come on that).
Some Memories About Sacramento Ca.
Growing up in South Sacramento was not boring, I would sit on the back-yard fence and watch the California State Patrol Academy practice riding and driving their bikes and cars. Sometimes they would play cops and robbers that is when things would get interesting, it was also the first real memory of adults cussing J. Some of the other things I would do during the summer would go and explore the fields of wheat grown at the end of my street. When I said I lived in South Sacramento I meant South, there was no more city beyond my street; just fields and fields of wheat.
There was also a creek that flowed through the fields. There I would play in the water and find crawdads. If I collected enough of them I would have a crawdad cocktail, they were very tasty. My neighbor down the street had a Honda motorcycle that he would let me ride it in the fields. If memory serves me right I think it was a 125cc motor bike. While my friends were riding their mini-bikes I would be on the motorcycle. Now that was fun!